Let’s start with Black Arch Linux
BlackArch is a cybersecurity oriented distribution based on Arch Linux. This distribution targets experienced users and is designed specifically for cybersecurity researchers. BlackArch offers about 2550 tools for cybersecurity. In addition to cybersecurity tools, BlackArch provides some installation scripts and also pre-configuration software (for Vim for example) on its GitHub2 repository.
- Website: https://blackarch.org/
- Downloading: https://blackarch.org/downloads.html
BlackArch is similar to using Parrot OS and Kali Linux when fully installed. However, a critical difference between my fellow distributions and BlackArch is that BlackArch does not provide a desktop environment but provides a number of pre-configured window managers.
Similar to Kali and Parrot, BlackArch can be burned to an ISO photograph and run as a live device. There are a lot of GNU/Linux distributions dedicated to security audits like KALI, which has just stopped eating in version 1.0.6 and about which I’ll say a few words in this post.
If these distributions are diverse, few of them use the good old Archlinux as a base. While browsing the crack-wifi forums I came across an interesting topic from kcdtv (which I salute ), which talks about BlackArch, a distribution based on Archlinux.
The project looks very nice and comes in two different forms. Full iso images that you can use live as you would with KALI Linux or Backtrack, or if you like, minimal images from which you will have the power to do a netinstall. This allows you to install only the items you want which is pretty cool, knowing that the full images contain some 600 tools, which in most cases you will never use. This will also give you a chance to adapt your distribution to the performance of your machine, which can be useful.
Another nice thing is that you can just add the BlackArch repositories on a traditional Archlinux, thus avoiding a dl and a complete installation.
Know more information on Arch Linux
Arch Linux is a light and fast distribution whose concept is to remain as simple as possible (KISS philosophy). The packages are optimized for i686 processors and the new 64bit generation. The official [core], and [extra] repositories are complemented by both the [community] package repository and my AUR blog, both of which are managed by the user community.
Our powerful community comes from different backgrounds and its members with different skill levels easily help each other. Feel free to visit our forums, wikis and mailing lists to dive into this fantastic distribution. For a quick discovery, test one of the Arch Linux based livecd. Arch Linux was designed as an operating system for advanced users. Its simple philosophy and no configuration tools requires, like Slackware, some Linux habits to be installed, but is still easy to maintain.
- Website Fr: https://archlinux.fr/
- Website en: https://archlinux.org/
Arch’s philosophy consists of three points: Keep it simple ( according to the KISS idea), lightweight and flexible; Stay user-centric. The people using the system must know how it works.
Consequently, the use of a graphical environment is reduced since it usually hides this process and makes the user unable to solve problems related to it; Respect the free and community doctrines.
As a result, this distribution allows people who use it to contribute in any way they wish, as long as those contributions do not go against any ideals of thought or philosophy.
Arch Linux is a rolling release distribution, which means that it evolves progressively and over the long term according to the updates of your installed packages, without changing the version of the system.
For new installations, monthly updated disk images are available for download.
By using the package manager, users can keep their system up to date very easily.
Unlike some distributions that encourage their users to install new versions as soon as they are released, Arch Linux releases are simply snapshots taken at a moment’s notice that sometimes include a revised installation utility.
Pics Source https://www.pinterest.fr/pin/665336544934180875/